Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to eliminate EMF radiation from cell phones

About alberto de leon(Health & Nutrition)vox-47        ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

How To Eliminate EMF Radiation from Cell Phones

The Use of Cell Phones in America

Millions of Americans use cell phones every day. In fact, it is virtually impossible to walk for a block without seeing someone using a mobile phone. Now it is even common to see people seemingly talking to themselves, when in fact they are using an ear device that links to their mobile phone. However, regularly using a cell phone can lead to negative health effects due to the Electormagnetic Field (EMF) radiation they emit. It is important to know about these cell phone dangers, and how to avoid them or at least reduce them.
Cellphone Radiation - Did You Know?
Did You Know?
  • It is estimated that between 80-90% of the population uses a cell phone regularly.¹
  • Approximately 12% of adults use only a cell phone, and do not use a landline phone.²
  • It is difficult, if not impossible, to measure the negative effects of electromagnetic field radiation from cell phones with traditional methods such as blood tests, ultrasounds, MRI's, and X-rays.³
Radiation from Cellphone Tower

Dangers of EMF Radiation from Cell Phones

Although studies have not yet determined the exact nature of cell phone dangers, it is generally accepted that long-term use of cell phones does lead to negative health effects.
The amount of time you spend on your cell phone increase your chances of developing certain serious illnesses because of the EMF radiation cell phones emit:
  • A rare form of brain tumor. Chances of developing this are increased with regular, prolonged use.
  • Damage to Blood Vessels in the Brain 4
  • Frequent Headaches 5
  • Slower Motor Reflexes 6
  • Fetuses may be Affected 7
  • Some Authorities List Autism & Sleep 8
It's worth taking the time to guard against this danger. Phones are not going to disappear from use. However there are precautions you can take. No matter what product you choose, find one that you are comfortable with. The possible dangers of EMF radiation from cell phone use are real, and you should take every precaution available to protect yourself.

How to Eliminate EMF Radiation from Cell Phones

  • Shop for a good EMF radiation blocking tool to decrease the amount of EMF's you receive from your cell phone.
  • Global Healing Center offers a patch that you can apply to your cell phone to reduce the amount of exposure to your brain.
  • Some products help protect you from cell phone dangers by deflecting these dangerous fields away from your head. Others actually absorb the electro-magnetic energy, thereby preventing it from damaging the blood vessels in your brain.


The long term effects of electromagnetic radiation

Cell Phone RadiationCell Phone TowerAbout alberto de leon(Health & Nutrition)vox-46     .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................         Electromagnetic radiation causes tissue damage by releasing electrons in the cells, called ionization. This is bad. Your body needs electrons to function properly. Possible damages from the low level radiation over time can cause digestive problems which can cause abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea and it can alter and mutate DNA.   ........................    ........        ......          To make matters worse, non-electronic products around the house, magnify the effects of the radiation. The wire in a bra for example can behave like an antenna. If the field created by electrical devices is strong enough, the metal frames and/or springs can be magnetized; this can disrupt your body's functions during sleep.                                                                                                                            .......         No matter what and how,  we are being exposed and bombarded everyday of the so called low level electromagnetic radiations from all directions, especially those nearer the transmission towers of cell phone servers, TV & radio, and power lines, and mostly on buildings with cellular towers. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

The Longterm Effects of ElectroMagnetic Radiation

Cell Phone Radiation Cartoon
We are bombarded by low levels of radiation from all directions. There are so many sources until reducing them would mean major changes in most of the things that we do daily, most without a second thought.
For example, did you know that the following give off radiation emissions? Hair dryers, cell phones, power lines, transformers, clock radios. We get it from watching TV and working in offices with fluorescent lights. Basically, we are radiated at home, work and most other places we go.
Electromagnetic radiation causes tissue damage by releasing electrons in the cells, called ionization. This is bad. Your body needs electrons to function properly. Possible damages from the low level radiation over time can cause digestive problems which can cause abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, it can alter and mutate DNA.

Possible Outcomes of Prolonged Exposure

  • Tumors
  • Irritable Bowel Disease
  • Damage to the intestinal mucus lining
  • Colon cancer in the more sensitive colons

Cellphones and Cellular Towers

Cell Phone Tower
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in 1999 met with wireless industry representatives. Despite the fact that radiation from cellular devices is demonstrated to be dangerous, they unanimously decided to raise the radiation exposure limit, for better service was the reason. And they did this in spite of the danger to their customers, just to make money. They continue on their trajectory for profit, raising more and more towers, protecting only their interests.
Knowing that there is danger inherent in owning and operating cellular devices has not curbed the manufacture or selling strategies of cellular providers. This knowledge has not encouraged the government to stop cellular providers from raising the acceptable emissions allowances. This information hasn't even inspired a cellular provider to voluntarily include a frequency-absorbing chip to protect their customers.
Cellular Towers continue to be erected on office buildings' sides, and tops. Only monetary consideration between the buildings' owners and the cellular providers determines the feasibility. The towers harm people by emitting very high levels of the RF radiation sometimes exceeding the guidelines posted by the Federal Trade Commission. The harm is done to anyone in close proximity to the tower, certainly to the workers in the facility.
Because they know the dangers of owning and operating cellular devices, cellular providers have wrangled legislations that protect them from liability related to their products. Further, no insurance companies will pay for illnesses caused by prolonged use of cellular devices; this also protects the cellular providers. They were at one point even trying to make it necessary for customers to sign an agreement to not participate in suing them.

Toxic Radiation Generated at Home and Work

Cell Phone Radiation
Many of the electronic conveniences we use can be a danger to us, because of the low level electromagnetic fields (EMF) they generate.
To make matters worse, non-electronic products around the house, magnify the effects of the radiation. The wire in a bra for example can behave like an antenna. If the field created by electrical devices is strong enough, the metal frames and/or springs can be magnetized; this can disrupt your body's functions during sleep.
At work, there are similar dangers: radiation sources and radiation enhancers. Certain occupations present more of a risk than others. The workers listed below have the greatest radiation exposure daily:
This is exactly why we carry a number of radiation protection products. Keeping these in your living environment can help protect you from any harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation that you may get.
Office workers are not safe either. They have to contend with fluorescent lighting, computers and other electronic devices that people rarely, if ever, hesitate to use.
OccupationsTypical Exposure (in milligauss)
Cable Splicersto 15 mG
Distribution Substation Operatorsto 34 mG
Electronicsto 34 mG
Line Workersto 35 mG
Machiniststo 28 mG
TV Repair Workersto 8 mG
Weldersto 96 mG

10 cell phone safety recommendations

About alberto de leon(Health & Nutrition)vox-45     ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Cell Phone Safety
Cell Phone Safety.............................................. .......................................................................................................................   The World Health Organization states that “Current scientific evidence indicates that exposure to RF fields, such as those emitted by mobile phones and their base stations, is unlikely to induce or promote cancers.”   .However a study published in the World Journal of Surgical Oncology in 2006 concludes saying “We found for all studied phone types an increased risk for brain tumours, mainly acoustic neuroma and malignant brain tumours.”      .                                                                                             .....       The very nature of the growing concern about the longer exposure to EMF & RF signals from the use of cellphones is indicative warning to all users of the very annoying and dangerous effect of a very small amount of radiations from the supported research with sufficient data reported, .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

10 Cell Phone Safety Recommendations

It is literally the talk of the town: people from all sides of the topic are discussing the news that Ronald B. Herberman, MD has sent out a memo acknowledging the possible risks of cell phones. If it had been anyone else, this story may not have garnered as much attention, but because he is the director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, naturally, he has caused quite a stir. As you know, I have been warning people of these dangers for the last 10 years and finally people are starting to listen.
Cell Phone Safety
Dr. Herberman sent a memo to about 3,000 faculty and staff on Wednesday. In it he expressed his growing concern about the dangers of cell phones. He indicated his concern was due to the proliferation of published and unpublished studies pointing to the possibility that cell phones pose a health threat.
While Dr. Herberman acknowledged that the evidence is as yet inconclusive, he felt that enough information was presented to warrant his issuance of a cautionary memo.
“Recently I have become aware of the growing body of literature linking long-term cell phone use to possible adverse health effects including cancer. Although the evidence is still controversial, I am convinced that there are sufficient data to warrant issuing an advisory to share some precautionary advice on cell phone use.”

He also pointed to a recent analysis of studies entitled ‘The Case for Precaution in Cell Phone Use’ (PDF) compiled by a panel of international experts, made up of 23 public health specialists, oncologists and pathologists.
The panel noted that cell phones generated electromagnetic fields. They warned that these fields presented a potential risk to human health, and stated that simply not enough time had passed for there to be conclusive data compiled regarding the risk of long term use of cordless phones including cell phones. They went on to state that neither the safety nor the danger of cell phones has been proved.
In his memo, Dr. Herberman laid out 10 precautionary steps that each of us can take in the use of our cell phones. Professor Devra Lee Davis, Director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute’s Center for Environmental Oncology, told CNN just one reason for adhering to all or some of the following restrictions. “I don’t know that cell phones are dangerous. But I don’t know that they are safe.”

Dr. Herberman’s Precautionary Steps (Summarized)

  1. Keep children away from cell phones unless it’s an emergency. Children and developing fetal organs are most sensitive to electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure.
  2. Keep your cell phone as far as possible from your body. It’s safer to use your ear bud, Bluetooth or speaker phone. The greater the distance is between your body and the phone unit, the safer you are from possible EMF damage.
  3. Use your cell phone in open areas where you’re not close to others and can inadvertently expose others to EM fields.
  4. Keep your cell phone as far away from your body as possible at all times. In your pockets, under your pillow, and next to you on the night table is not considered far enough.
  5. When you are carrying your cell phone, keep the back part where the battery is away from your body, with the keypad side facing your body.
  6. Be brief on your cell phone; the longer you’re talking, the more you’re exposed to possibly dangerous EM fields.
  7. When you’re talking on your cell phone, switch ears regularly so that you don’t concentrate the exposure in one area.
  8. Try to use your cell phone only when your signal is strong.
  9. Text messaging is safer than talking on the phone; opt for that whenever possible.
  10. Select your cell phone device according to which one has the lowest specific absorption rate (SAR). Cell phone SAR details can be found on the internet.

My Thoughts on Cell Phone Safety

I personally recommend putting a cell phone radiation protector on your phone which will absorb harmful radiation from entering your head or body. I use the Safe Space™ Cell Phone Protector on my phone.
The evidence is wide and varied, regardless of what side of the fence you are standing on. The World Health Organization states that “Current scientific evidence indicates that exposure to RF fields, such as those emitted by mobile phones and their base stations, is unlikely to induce or promote cancers.”
Cell Phone Safety
However a study published in the World Journal of Surgical Oncology in 2006 concludes saying “We found for all studied phone types an increased risk for brain tumours, mainly acoustic neuroma and malignant brain tumours.”
The problem is, as mentioned in Dr. Herberman’s memo, that we simply have not had cell phones populating the planet, and being used as much, as they currently are now.
As of August 2005, there were more than 20 billion mobile phone users worldwide, and that number has obviously grown significantly since then. And while there are numerous studies that have not found any evidence [1] [2] [3] [4], there is enough opposing evidence to make people think twice[1] [2] [3], like Dr. Herberman and Professor Davis.
What many people are pointing too however, is that Dr. Herberman hasn’t come out and condemned cell phones of destroying a generation of children. He has raised his concerns, as an expert in the field, and provided logical and understandable steps to reduce the chance that we could be hurt. It is measured, it is thoughtful, and above all, it allows science the opportunity to continue on in its search for the truth.
All in all, it is good to finally see someone of standing take such a position and expose this danger.

Related Articles About Cell Phone Dangers:

flickr images created by MikeKline & MenloPhoto.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10 foods high in vitamin D

About alberto de leon(Health & Nutrition)vox-43         ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................                                                                                                                       Vitamin D2, named ergocalciferol, is produced by irradiating plants to produce yeasts.Vitamin D3 comes from animal sources. Its manufacturing base can come from cattle brains, sheep wool, hides and fish.   ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in the human body. It has many functions, and a lack of vitamin D can lead to serious health problems. Bone growth is severely impaired from vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the body, which leads to strong bones. Without proper levels, bones will become soft and brittle and can lead to osteoporosis.
In children, vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets. Rickets is a disease occurring in children that causes bones to soften and leads to fractures or deformity. In addition, a lack of the vitamin can cause other chronic health conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure and even cancer.   ....................................................................................................................................................................

10 Foods High in Vitamin D

..................................................................................................................................................................Mushrooms - Foods High in Vitamin DSardines - Foods High in Vitamin DEggs - Foods High in Vitamin DTuna - Foods High in Vitamin D.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

10 Foods High in Vitamin D


10 Foods High in Vitamin D

Although we can find many foods in the supermarket that have been fortified with a synthetic form of Vitamin D, there are only a select number of foods containing vitamin D in them naturally.

Normally, our body takes in Vitamin D in the form of sun-synthesis through the skin. But in our modern times, where many of us spend countless hours inside houses, cars and shopping malls, our actual exposure to the sun is limited. This fact may be a principle cause of many ailments, including depression.
For this reason, it is extremely important to have a diet high in Vitamin D or take a vitamin D3 supplement.
This is my ‘List of Foods Containing Vitamin D’, as well as some of the great potential benefits of the vitamin. (In no particular order)
Personal Disclaimer: Being a vegetarian I personally use Vitamin D3 serum from premier research labs or consume Shiitake mushrooms. I also make sure I get some sunlight everyday. However, because I have received so many requests from meat eaters on sources of Vitamin D in foods I decided to post the following food sources. I must say though that I do recommend a meatless diet for optimum health.

Top Foods Containing Vitamin D

Shiitake & Button Mushrooms:

Mushrooms - Foods High in Vitamin D
Surprisingly, the dried versions of shiitake mushrooms are high in Vitamin D. This may be due to the fact that these mushrooms are adept at sucking up sunlight. Shiitake is also rich in B Vitamins like B1 & B2. Make sure that you find mushrooms that have been dried in the sun, not by some artificial means, in order to extract the benefits of high Vitamin D content.


A small, 3½ ounce portion of this Omega-3 rich fish will give you 90% of the recommended daily amount. Currently, the FDA recommends that we eat more of these oily fishes to infuse our bodies with the vitamins and omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA’s) that our body cannot produce on its own.

Sockeye Salmon:

Salmon - Foods High in Vitamin D
A small 3½ ounces portion of cooked salmon will give you 90% of the Dietary Reference Intake for Vitamin D. Make sure to purchase salmon that has been caught from the wild, if not, then sustainably farmed. Salmon eat zooplankton, an excellent source of the important vitamin.


Fish like herring are so high in vitamin D because they are the part of our food chain that thrive on plankton, which is chocked full of the vitamin.
Sardines - Foods High in Vitamin D


Sardines are one of the best foods containing Vitamin D. One small tin can of sardines will provide you with approximately 70% of your daily needs. These tiny canned fish are also a great source for Vitamin B12, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, protein and selenium.


Again, another fish that makes a habit of feeding on plankton, catfish are constantly taking in minuscule sea life that create vitamin D from sunlight.
Tuna - Foods High in Vitamin D

Tuna fish:

Eat 3 ounces of tuna daily for 50% of your Vitamin D needs. Fresh, wild-caught tuna is the most nutritious. Remember, eating oily fish can also lubricate the body with “good fats,” providing a host of health benefits to your body, like better memory and brain function.

Cod Liver Oil:

If you can stomach the strong aroma, this oil is super-rich in sunlight Vitamin D. This marvelously golden, yet terrible-tasting oil, is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Incorporating this oil into your diet will help you increase your bones ability to stay strong and healthy. Because of its high Vitamin D content, cod liver oil has also been shown to prevent osteoporosis in adult, improve brain function and optimize the functioning of the nervous system. What is more, the oil holds 10,000 IUs of vitamin D. One tablespoon of the oil provides more than enough Vitamin D for the day.
Eggs - Foods High in Vitamin D


Eggs are another food containing vitamin D in small amounts. Eating one egg will provide you with approximately 10% of your daily needs. I would personally recommend to eat free-range eggs from a local  farm, if possible.


Okay, we know it’s not a food, but daily “doses” of sunshine can seriously up your Vitamin D intake. In fact, this vitamin has actually been referred to as the sunshine vitamin. Light hitting the skin from the sun’s rays stimulates the production of this vitamin and hormone. This is great news for those of us that can take a sun-bath daily. But for those of us in colder, cloudier climates, we can take up our intake from the foods we eat. This could explain why Native Inuit people in Alaska ate so much fish!

Health Benefits of Vitamin D

There are many reasons to stock up on foods containing vitamin D. Health benefits of the vitamin include:
  • The prevention of chronic diseases such as many forms of cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension.
  • The protection and lubrication of your bones, teeth and hair.
  • The regulation of cellular growth and healthy cell activity
  • Overall reduction of the inflammatory response, a condition known to cause many chronic diseases, from cancer to diabetes to obesity.
  • Protection against adult osteoporosis
  • Reduction in the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women
  • Significant reduction in the occurrence of prostate cancer in African-American men
As I mentioned above, if you are a vegetarian or don’t eat fish, you can still get the same benefits by taking a vitamin d supplement or make sure to get plenty of sun on a daily basis.

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