She was called theluckiestwoman in the world. But now that luck is being called into question by some who think that winning the lottery four times is more than just a coincidental spell of good fortune....Joan Ginther, 63, from Texas won multiple million dollar payout each time......Lady luck....? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................
After Two Years At The Top As One Of The Best Lottery Systems Ever
(Now updated, improved and enhanced for 2011)...
Making Hundreds Of Happy Winners World Wide...
Taking The Internet By Storm With Thousands Of Articles &
News Stories Written About His Incredible Success
...The Big Question Is:
"Can You Still Win the Lottery?" -by Larry Blair: math professor & lottery winning system developer
Discover the Same Lottery System That Has Allowed Others to Win and Hope For the Big Jackpots...
Turn On Your Speakers:
Note: Every sentence of this letter is backed up by verifiable proof. All the images, testimonials, articles and quotes are REAL and they can be verified at any time.
Dear lottery friend,
My name is Larry, I'm a math professor and an addicted lottery player. You might have heard about me over the last two years as I've been the main subject or creator of a phenomena that carries so much histery, joy, happiness and intrigue...all at the same time.
Let me explain this to you...
Two years ago I released my secret system with the purpose of demonstrating to the "average Joe lottery player" how to make a difference in his game.
I had no idea if I could accomplish this with all the people who applied my system, but I know for certain that I DID make a few hundreds of people happy. Here are their "thank you" messages exactly as I received them:
I could go on and on with "thank you" letters but I assume that you get the point. Normal people from all over the world have managed to make a difference in their game, have won some money and changed their life not necessarly because of the money they won...but because of the HOPE of winning the jackpot some day.
I cannot say that I've pleased everybody who tried my system. That would be a lie and you know it. There's no product or system in the world that can please every person. People are different and the perception is both different and unique...
Therefore, there were a few individuals who have told me that they couldn't follow my system. I don't want to throw bad words out there but maybe they didn't persevere enough. Nothing comes easy these days...although I trully believe that my system is easy to follow even by the "average Joe player". Take a look at this player:
About me ...or "Who the hell is Larry Blair?"
I wish I'd have skipped this part...but you have the right to know the naked truth. I don't like talking about me because people would believe I'm over bragging or talking non sense. All I can say is that I'm a math professor, I'm 44 years old, I have a beautiful family and I'm an addicted lottery player.
You also need to know that I played relentlessly for 18 years before developing the system that now has taken the internet by storm. Is my system a threat for lotteries? ...I don't want to answer this question becaue people will say that I'm just praising my system and being biased. I prefer to provide you the opportunity to discover and judge this by yourself. This is the fair way...
There are also a lot of stories about me that I want to bury or just let other people think what they want. I promised myself and to my wife that I wouldn't reveal any more personal info about my past. This letter is about you and how you can make a real difference in your some money (why not the JACKPOT???) ...and help you and your family.
Also, I don't want you to believe that I'm a scammer, con, or thief...or that I do anything ilegal when it comes to playing and winning the lottery.
Please have a look to some of the articles (there are thousands out there) that people I don't even know wrote about me without even asking them to mention my name. It's your right to know:
...or what about this...
...or this...
As I said I'm done with the claims. People who have "the eye" to notice something good will know that you cannot make hundreds of people happy without any solid base or substantial product..
Many people say this is a scam and it cannot happen. Therefore since the internet is a jungle...they can throw dirt on anyone, hiding behind the keyboard. I can do the same to others....but there's no point.
Also, how else can you explain this???
Frankly, this woman claims she won 4 times the jackpot and somehow everyone tends to believe her because "she doesn't have a website....and she doesn't want to share her system with anyone else". I don't have anything against this lady...I'm 100% that it is true...and she has solid proof for that.
If another guy comes and says that he won the jackpot three times in a row...showing solid proof....and claiming that he wants to share his secret to interested people....he is categorized as SCAMMER.
It this fair? ...Can you fairly debate and argue with someone if you don't have solid proof against him?
What I'm trying to do here is to make a point: things that appear impossible to achieve sometimes are possible...althouth they seem counter-intuitive and hard to believe. So don't let anyone tell you that you CAN'T do something your own your thing and convince yourself.
Is It Possible To Win The Lottery 3 Times In A Row?
4 Times In A Row??
You already found the answer in the above picture... and as a personal opinion I believe that it is very possible as long as you have a system to follow and you know what to do.
Back To My Lottery System...
As I said, I don't want to brag about myself or to come off narcissistic...What I can say is the following:
- I'm a math professor and I know many things when it comes to numbers, probabilities, chance and odds. (and definitely I'm going to teach you my tricks)
- I've been delevopling and updating my system over the 18 years of continuous lottery playing in an obscure room that was not better than this:
- With minimum effort it is easy to understand and apply all the forumulas and techniques described inside
- It's been written in plain English altough you might find some typos (due the hurry and the excitment of creating something I apologize for that)
- "Lotto Black Book" System is a top lottery system for more than 2 years now. Moreover, it's been in this position ever since it was launched ...and this is substantiated by thousands of articles/reviews and news posts from people I have no connection whatsoever.
- It is a system that stays close to the average player and gives them the best"weapons" to play wise...
- It's a system that works on most of the lottery games in the world. The principles of the lotteries are the same everywhere: more or less. Here's a list of the countries where my system works:
- you probably got here because you've been playing blindly for years ...without no real winners...relying only on luck
- you probably are in need for money...The debts, the mortgage and the hard times that most of the people have with the damn crisis (moreover with the second wave of the announced crisis) has made you want more.
- you want a better life for you and your family: you want to travel the world, to buy a bigger house or a sporty car.
- you want a proper education for your children so they DON'T have to work for sh**y jobs
- or you just play for fun hoping that in one day you'll be as one of these guys below:
Is this inspiring for you?
* we cannot show the identity of the winners due the privacy rules. They are ment to be a motivational factor for you. This doesn't mean that people from the pictures above have won with our system.
or this:
I know, these are dreams but the reality was derived from dreams. It's a very beautiful quote that I got memorized and that applies perfectly for this lottery-winning situation:
“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication.
Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”
- Gail Devers
I cannot promise that my lottery system will make you millionaire today, tomorrow or next month. There's a chance that this will happen...but I cannot promise it. What I can promise you that in my lottery system you'll find everything you need for increasing the odds to win the lottery.
With a bit of involvement from your side, with the help of my system (that has helped hundreds of people world wide) you'll be able to make a huge difference in your game.
Just think for a moment...
What if you hit it big next week? Or next month?
How would you feel with an extra $50,000 in your account?
What about an extra $100,000? ...or why not $1 Mil?
Once again I cannot guarantee you this but I can guarantee that your game will improve dramatically and you'll see an opportunity in each lottery game you play.
I used to promise a lot to those who were about to use my system. I stopped doing this because people don't appreciate these kind of things. They say that "you're a scammer"..."it's impossible".
The world belongs to those who believe...and if you truly believe you can do it ... now it's your time to take action.
I always answer to the guys who question my system with some "thank you" letters from the people who are already using "The Lotto Black Book" system...lettes like these:
The real question is ... Can Anyone Win The Lottery? Or What Qualifies You For Winning the Lottery?
Well … if I would have been asked this question ten years ago, I would have said that “NO! It’s impossible to win with a plan to follow ” … but after I spent eighyears in developing my systems ...and after so many tests now my answer will be:"Yes, you can increase your chance to win the lottery with the right system"
You see … I’m a mathematics professor, and I’ ve been passionate about figures since I was young. I admit … I also like money, tons of it, because I was raised in a poor family and never got the chance to drive a sporty car or to live in a fancy house until I won the lottery. These two characteristics combined (loving money and mathematics) have transformed me into an addicted lotto player.
After playing years without any luck … I got so intrigued with the probability process that I started to study the archive of the extracted numbers lotteries around the world. It was a gigantic work … at that time the internet didn't have much info on this … They didn’ t have many websites or search engines, and I had to search through physical files without any tool …
I was searching for a lotto PATTERN, FORMULA ...or anything that could make me win.
This huge work took about eighteen years. It didn’t matter to me. Playing with numbers made me have the time of my life. After many errors, bad tests and struggle I got to a point where I knew something...
Have I Found a Lottery Trick To Win More Often Than Relying Only On Luck?
I'm not allowed to answer this question ...remember?! Even the web platform for this website doesn't allow me to make bald claims...and I won't. Instead, as you know, I'll let the people who are using this system to do this for me:
What do you think? I'm bluffing ...or I'm on something? I think you already know the answer. Plus, just tell me when you'll find another website that doesn't over-brag its product/system or whatever.
Step #1 * Get yourself a notebook only for the lottery. Establish the lotto game you want to play and study my system thouroughly. (Everything is simple...but if there are parts you don't understand just read it again and again until makes sense)
Step #2 * After you get familiar with the system, apply everything you have learned to your game. You probably won't do perfect from the first time. Remember that you need to allow at least 2-3 weeks for my system to show the first results.
Step #3 * Wait for the results and see how it worked. If you win, go and take your prize. I repeat, there's a chance to win the very first time … but it can happen that you may not win. Don’ t get desperate … I told you that the efficiency of my system can be seen within just a few weeks.
Step #4 * If you win, repeat the process over and over again. If you don’ t win … be patient and play again. The more you play the more your chance increases.
Step #5 * Don’ t share your information with anyone else. Make sure you win first, enjoy the money ..and then you can tell others about my system. I don't want anyone believe that my system is fluff.. Extra steps (recommended by me):
Step #6 * After you WIN, be careful to keep a low profile. There are a lot of desperate people, especially with this crisis, who will do anything for your money.
Step #7
* Make a donation. This way you’ll be achieving peace of mind. It feels good … Don’ t be greedy!
Conclusion: You can win the lottery as others did..
* you have to be aware that the results are not typical. You may win more, but you can also win less than the customers from our examples.
Winning The Lottery Is Not ROCKET–SCIENCE. It's Not Easy...but It's Not Hard Also.
People who have tried my system are not scientists or professors. In fact, all you need is a pen, a sheet of paper and my technique. Considering that many people have won with my system ...and they are very happy with what they have found inside my system...I suggest you to give it a shot.
I know that it is hard to believe but convince yourself by reading the success stories below. They have come from regular people like you who who wanted to share their personal experiences with me.
I realized that I feel very good making other people happy…
In this short period of time since I've shared my system with others, I realized that people do not necessarily want to get rich as much as they want to get out of debt. I’ ve received tens of "thank you" letters from people from all over the world and first they thank me because my simple lotto system has changed their lives.
I decided to publish all my secrets in a book…
Knowing that my system can be easily applied to any lottery anywhere in the world … I said to myself : “ Since we’ re not competing with each other, why shouldn’t I write a book to reveal my system?”.
I had a few reasons for doing this:
#1: I will change many people’ s lives by giving them the possibility to taste life differently, getting them out of debts and even getting them rich.
#2: I want a personal revenge on LOTTERIES because I struggle so much to come with a good system that has real chance of winning ...after so many years. I also think that it's not fair for them to always make money. (it's just a personal note)
It wasn’t easy…
I had no experience whatsoever with the internet, servers, merchants and all the stuff that is needed for having an website up. Plus I had to put all the knowledge, tests, formulas, tips and tricks from physical papers into a dowloadable file it can be spread online.
After months of work, I was finally ready to make launch the website that shorly was about to become "the lottery internet storm" ....with so many users world wide.
It wasn't easy....but who cares? The system is here and ready for you to discover.
It has the advantage that it can be ordered online and downloaded almost instantly. The book layout is very easy to print, and you can get yourself the hard copy in less than half an hour.
This was the birth of “ The Lottery Black Book”
After all, I think it’s better this way than being sold in libraries. So...
You Won’t Find "The Lottery Black Book" In Libraries
...There's a catch tough...
I haven't decided yet but I don't want to sell too many copies of “ The Lottery Black Book” . Think what would happen if this book became a best seller and millions of copies are sold! Let's see how it goes ...but possibly in the near future this website can be taken down.
Thousands of people would have competed for the same prize on each extraction. This way the prizes would have gotten lower and who knows what restrictions the lotteries would place.
After all, I'm here for those who want to listen and make a difference in their game. I'm not in the mood for trying to convince people that I have a good system for years.
If you want to win...good ....if NOT's not my problem. Free will!!. Therefore the price is $96.83 per copy.Not a penny less!!!
This is peanuts, considering what you may win. Again I might take this website down anytime and this ebook will be erased and never revealed again. Moreover, since I’m not in need of money, I plan to use the money raised with this book for building a library. It's just a plan at the moment...and I'll update you with my project...
Step 1: Select Payment Method:
A copy of can be ordered anytime! Even if it is 2 a.m. on Christmas day, you will still be able to receive instant access to members area where you can read or print our all the information.
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To sweeten the pot and make it even more impossible to refuse I'll come with:
What does this mean? … Buy the ebook right now, read each word I’ve presented to you and then start to apply my teachings. Allow a few weeks (2 - 3) to modulate your game , and after that see how the new system applies to your game.
If within these 60 days you are not happy with the system...or you simply want your money back… you can simply ask for a refund!
Needless to say, you can get a regular refund from Clickbank, our credit card processor, at anytime within these 60 days - no questions asked, no hassles...
As you can see, your investment is totally safe and you have nothing to lose …but so much to gain.
Now you have to decide where you want to be:
Will you be another "critique" saying "it's a scam" ...or .."it doesn't work" without even testing what I have to share???? (especially since you don't have anything to lose) ...or Will you be your own judge, test, learn and apply my system to your game...and then decide if it is good for you or not....
Remember: NO STATUE HAS EVER BEEN ERECTED TO A CRITIQUE! Be Your Own Judge and Make A Difference In your Game Today!
Since this letter was posted, it has been read by thousands of people. Most of them had some questions to ask me. I thought it would be wise to put the answers here so anyone can read them without losing time writing me and waiting for the reply (although I do answer very fast):
"How Do I Know That Your System Will Work For Me? "
I've been relentless in conducting tests for my system. I believe that my methods apply in 95% of the countries where lotto is played. I do no t see any reason why it won’t work for you. Unless you’re living in a forgotten hard-to-spell country in Africa. … you don’ t need to worry.
The mathematics is the same everywhere. Indeed, you might not win at all....but what if you missed the big possibility of winning??? Click on the link below to see a complete list with the countries where my system has been proven to work:
"How Can You Guarantee My Success?"No one can guarantee you that you'll win tomorrow, next week, or in a month. What I can gurantee you is that with my system you have the best chance of winning big. After all, you have 60 days money backguarantee...and if not happy with the results (I doubt it will be our case) you can ask for the return of your investment.
Unless you’re the unluckiest person alive, you don’t need to worry. Do exactly what I teach you to do and the and you can hit it big time. Just think how your life will change after that house, new car, new life style.
After all, what are you going to lose compared with how much you have to gain? You are still playing randomly, aren’t you? You’ re still picking your numbers without any logic or directions, aren’t you? You’re still thinking that “the luck factor” is the only thing that can get you the big prize, aren’ t you?
Here's what other say:
You see? Not all the people win immediately...but they find the real essence of playing in my system and they know and feel that they are on the right track for winning big.
"How Much Do I Have To Spend For Winning The Big Prize?"
You won’t change the way you play. If in the past you've played small tickets, then you can use the same system. It doesn’ t matter that much. If you want to hit it the jackpot faster, you need to spend a little bit more. In conclusion, there’s no fixed amount to play. You decide how much you’re willing to spend. My system will tell you exactly how to play ...
"What Do I Need To Have (or know) To Implement Your Techniques?"
The basic requirements are: a pen, a sheet of paper, and a thorough reading of my ebook. That’s all you need to start a new era on your lottery game. Also, you don’t need to be a sophisticated player who is using fancy formulas.
The system was designed and developed with the picture of the “average guy” in mind: the guy who is spending a few bucks every week hoping that someday he will take the JACKPOT! You might find a bit hard to understand a few parts of my book...but after reading a few times everything will look crystal clear for you ...exactly as it was for others:
Now you’re really close to your first big achievement: hitting the multi- million-dollar jackpot. Why don't you start right now??
"What Exactly Is "The Lottery Black Book ?"
"The Lottery Black Book" Is…
A simple lotto system that can be played by anyone on almost any lottery game with just a few bucks
An amazing approach to your lottery game that can transform you from loser to winner...and change your life, too.
Easy to understand .
Your ticket to a new life full of happiness and joy.(hopefully)
The reason for so many customers to say "Thank You!" ...Earning their respect is more important than money ...
"The Lottery Black Book" Is NOT…
It's NOT the system that you read today and win tomorrow (although if the "luck" factors interfears you might win). Please have a thouroughly reading and allow at least 2-3 weeks to see its effectiveness ( can find more details in my book)
It's NOT fancy and it doesn't use laborious lotto formulas. All of the strategies are explained in plain English and all you need is a pen, a sheet of paper and the knowledge from my book..
It's NOT for skeptical people and for guys who think that LUCK is the only thing you need to consider when playing lotto.
"How Many Copies of Your Book Are Still Available?"
You can get a copy if you order right now. I cannot make a promise that my book will stay online for a long period of time. As I said earlier, I reserve my right to take this book and website down at any moment. So if you're dead serious about making a change into your lottery game, go ahead and get your "TheLottoBlackBook" copy right now:
"How DO I Know That My Order Transaction Is Secure?"
We use the most advanced ssl protection. That means your transaction is 100% safe. Moreover, the transaction is made through, one of the largest and trusted online retailers.
Step 1: Select Payment Method:
A copy of can be ordered anytime! Even if it is 2 a.m. on Christmas day, you will still be able to receive instant access to members area where you can read or print our all the information.
100% satisfaction money back guarantee!
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Discreet billing. No hidden charges. One Time Billing. Safe & Secure.
This is a one time fee only. You will never be re-billed. Clickbank sells our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products.
Publisher’s Note: All the content above is copyrighted to In order to protect the identity of the people involved in this article, we have printed some scrambled links, names and locations. We hope you understand. Good Luck!!!
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