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Dr. Group's Heavy Metal Cleansing Diet
Dr. Group's Heavy Metal Cleansing Diet
You're finally on your way to achieving optimal health through intestinal, liver and gallbladder, harmful organism, chemical and heavy metal and living environment cleansing! Although I give strict dietary guidelines for performing my the heavy metal cleanse, I want to share with you my general dietary recommendations for performing my other cleanses and for that matter a plan which you can use on a daily basis throughout your life.
The Heavy Metal Cleansing Diet Plan is a general plan which can be modified by you or your natural healthcare practitioner to suit your individual needs. A balanced diet, getting regular sleep and sufficient exercise, reducing your daily toxin threshold, and maintaining a positive state of mind are required to obtain maximum health. The first step in any diet plan is to understand how the body utilizes and processes the nutrients it needs.
Let's start by looking at the biorhythms regulating our body's nutritional needs.
The Human Body's Biorhythms
All creatures on this planet, including human beings, are naturally attuned to three daily body cycles. These cycles have precise and established hours set by the laws of nature.
Begins around 4:00 AM and ends around 12:00 NOON.
During this cycle, the body naturally tries to purge itself of toxic waste materials and unnecessary salts, proteins, and acids. During this cycle you should consume adequate amounts of fresh seasonal fruit (preferably organic or locally grown) to support the body's natural toxin elimination cycle. Not only does fruit supply the body with living matter to draw out unwanted substances, it also ensures the intestinal tract remains well hydrated and nourished. Fresh raw fruit provides the ideal ingredients for supporting the body's Elimination Cycle.
Begins around 12:00 NOON and ends around 8:00 PM.
During the Energy Cycle, food and nutrients are processed and stored to provide you with energy for your day. The best way to support your body during the Energy Cycle is to eat plenty of fresh raw vegetables (such as a salad) with a starch source to provide your body with the energy it needs to maintain its natural biochemical balance.
Begins from about 8:00 PM and ends 4:00 AM.
This is an opportunity for the body to take the time it needs to heal and regenerate. This is when the body should get quality sleep. During this cycle, the body assimilates all the foods that you consumed during the day and then processes the nutrients to regenerate itself cell by cell. If the sleep cycle is disrupted by irregular work patterns, night feeding of infants, travel across many time zones, or other factors, the body loses its ability to regenerate cells, which leads to their degeneration instead of regeneration.
What is the Best Diet Plan to follow for the Health of My Body?
I designed the following Heavy Metal Cleansing Diet suggestions based on the body's natural biorhythms. Understanding and following these principles are critical for first improving and then maintaining your health and vitality. Although this cleansing diet may seem tough at first, I would not be helping you if I failed to tell you what your body wants and needs to function properly.
For optimal health: All recommended foods should be certified organic or locally grown. This will help ensure that their purity and nutritional content haven't been compromised by toxins such as pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, and other chemicals.
Raw organic fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and sprouted grains provide the most nutrition to the body. Because they are not processed or treated (just gathered and cleaned), they provide the natural enzymes necessary for healthy digestion. If you were not raised on raw organic vegetables or foods, it may be difficult for you to make the transition from cooked, fried, and processed foods. Take it slowly and start by eating fresh fruit for breakfast every morning. After you've done that for a week or so, start eliminating one toxic food plus one toxic beverage every week until you have accomplished the goal of reducing your daily "toxic threshold." This process might take you 3 to 6 months, depending on how strict you are in following the plan. In my book The Green Body Cleanse, I explain precisely how to eliminate toxins from the foods you eat and the beverages you drink.
Drinking water or beverages with meals dilutes the digestive juices, which slows down the digestion process. Try to drink water between meals. If this doesn't suit your lifestyle, limit your water intake during a meal to less than 8 ounces. Drink only water with meals instead of milk, juice, sodas, energy drinks, etc.
You should eat 5 small meals daily to help regulate your metabolism and keep your body clean. This might sound difficult, but when you think about it, it takes just a minute to peel and enjoy a banana or eat a handful of raw seeds or raw nuts.
Always eat slowly and chew your food until it is a liquid-pulp before swallowing. This will allow your stomach to signal your brain, "hey I'm full now," so you avoid taking in excessive calories. You produce up to 32 ounces of saliva every day. Chewing your food will help your body absorb vital nutrients more thoroughly and rapidly due to the enzymes secreted in your saliva. After food is liquefied in the mouth, the tongue will recognize the various flavors of each food and then send messages to the brain (which in turn orders production of the corresponding digestive juices needed to break down that food). Chewing your food well ultimately leads to more effective digestion and is also one of the best-kept secrets for losing weight.
Does any Combination of Organic Foods Create a "Perfect" Meal?
Consuming organic foods is a step in the right direction, but your body depends on the correct balance of food types. It's important to know how foods react with one another once they are inside the body. Many competing theories exist about the best food or diet combination to follow regularly. I will tell you what I have used, based on the biochemistry of the body, and based on what has worked for me in my practice and my personal life. Below, I will cover the most damaging combinations of food, then I will present suggestions for five balanced meals I'm sure you will enjoy.
Avoid Eating Proteins & Starches in the Same Meal
- Breakfast: Eggs, bacon, milk, sausage, or cheese combined with bread, potatoes, or tortillas.
- Lunch/Dinner: Red meat, sandwich meat, or chicken combined with a baked potato, French fries, pasta, or bread.
When animal proteins and starches are metabolized, the end products are normally acidic. Your body should actually be slightly alkaline, not acidic. Your gastric juices contain three enzymes that act on proteins, fats, and milk; they are pepsin,lipase, and rennin, respectively. Protein digestion requires an acid environment initiated by the secretion of pepsin into the stomach. Pepsin splits the protein molecule to form hydrochloric acid. As the stomach becomes more acidic while digesting protein, starch digestion comes to an end. We may say those conditions which are optimum for protein digestion, exclude starch digestion. Worse, the introduction of the starch almost neutralizes the stomach acid, thus deactivating the enzymes and creating the climate for putrefaction and fermentation. Non-starchy vegetables make for the best combinations with proteins. Refer to the food chart below.
For meals, only combine proteins with non-starchy vegetables.
Starchy Vegetables & Grains:
Non-Starchy Vegetables (Best Combination with Proteins):
Avoid Mixing Acid Foods with Starches in the Same Meal
Example: Bread, Pasta, Rice, etc. + Any Acid Fruit or Fruit Juice
The digestion of starches begins in the mouth with an enzyme called ptyalin (pronounced tie-uh-lun). Saliva, which is high in ptyalin, is secreted by the salivary glands and reduces starch to maltose, which in turn is reduced in the intestines to dextrose. Ptyalin will not activate in a mildly acidic or strong alkaline environment. The acid in regular vinegar, grapefruit, lemons, or other sour fruits will completely stop the action of ptyalin, resulting in a poorly digested meal. These meals will likely ferment, producing toxic byproducts as well as decreasing the nutritional value.
Avoid Mixing Acid Foods with Proteins in the Same Meal
Example: Meat + Any Acid Fruit or Fruit Juice
Pepsin (an enzyme that digests protein) will act favorably in an acid environment. Therefore, you might think the addition of more acids, such as citrus fruits, might improve the digestive process. This is not so! The addition of citrus or other acids stops the secretion of the gastric juices necessary for protein digestion. Either the pepsin will not be secreted in the presence of an acid, or the acidic environment will destroy the pepsin. Any acid (say, vinegar or lemon) on a salad, when eaten with a protein meal, stops the production of hydrochloric acid since the pepsin interferes with protein digestion. An exception to this rule should be noted: Acids can be combined with nuts and seeds because the high fat content of these foods will postpone gastric secretion until the acids have been assimilated into the body. Therefore, use raw nuts or seeds (not roasted or salted) with salads to neutralize the acids typically found in salad dressing.
Avoid Mixing Meat, Cheese or Milk in the Same Meal
If two different types of high proteins are eaten together, the amount of digestive secretions for each might stop the action of the other. In other words, your body cannot modify the digestive process to accommodate each food. Suppose milk was eaten with meat, this would initiate a highly acidic reaction and upset the proportions of pepsin and lipase acting on the meat. Both proteins would not be fully digested, leading to the development of toxins.
Eat Alkaline foods as much as possible!
Alkaline foods should be consumed 80% of the time. These foods aid in digestion, neutralize acids, and help restore the body's natural alkaline state. The following foods should always be eaten fresh, raw, or lightly steamed and should be locally or organically grown. Although some fruits are classified as acid fruits, once they are broken down in the body they convert body fluids to an alkaline state.
Highly Alkaline Fruits & Vegetables (Best Option)
Other Alkaline Fruits & Vegetables
General Recommended Diet Plan
Now that you've learned the basics about food mixing and optimal combinations, read on to find a ready-made diet plan that you can start today. This is no bland, uninspiring diet, either. The foods I've included (if prepared properly) are so loaded with energy and flavor, you won't ever want to return to eating the high-fat, processed foods we've become so accustomed. Eating 5 balanced meals at the recommended times each day can help restore the health of your colon, and consequently restore and enhance your overall well-being.
DOCTOR'S NOTE: I recommend getting a full evaluation by a qualified natural healthcare provider, as well as having a food allergy test performed. The Heavy Metal Cleansing Diet is a general diet plan based on the body's biorhythms as well as my clinical experience. Every person should have a custom plan-one developed to meet their specific dietary needs
MEAL #1 of the Day: BREAKFAST
Have breakfast between 4 a.m. and 9 a.m. Eat organic fresh fruit or drink freshly squeezed fruit juice. Eat or drink only fruit. Try to mix up the fruits during the week. For example, do not eat bananas every morning. Try melons now and then, as they are one of the easiest foods to digest. Melons actually proceed directly to the intestines after being consumed. If they are held up in the stomach by other foods, they will decompose quickly and ferment. A melon is a great way to start the day. You can eat a variety of fruits throughout the whole morning, but never mix sweet fruits with acid fruits. It's okay to mix sweet with subacid or acid with subacid (see below). Eat as much as you want until you are full. Remember, we are supporting the body's Elimination Cycle.
- ACID FRUITS: Lemons, oranges, pineapples, strawberries, grapefruit, kumquats, tomatoes, tangerines, lime, sour grapes, and sour apples. (These fruits have the greatest detoxification power)
- SUBACID FRUITS: Apricots, apples, pears, nectarines, sweet plums, cherries, mangos*, raspberries, kiwi, blackberries, blueberries, and cranberries
- SWEET FRUITS: Bananas, papaya, dates, prunes, sweet grapes, cantaloupe, coconuts, mangos*, peaches, pears, watermelon, dates, figs, pomegranates, honeydew melon, and persimmons
*Mangos are both Sweet & SubAcidic
(Should be eaten halfway between breakfast and lunch)
For a nice brunch, you can snack on 1 of the following items:
Choose option #1, #2, #3 or #4. (For example, you might eat #1 on Mondays, #2 on Tuesdays, #3 on Wednesdays, and so on.) Remember to chew your food well before swallowing.
- RAW NUTS OR SEEDS: My favorite! It's said that a handful of seeds will provide the body with 12 to 14 hours of energy. Many people have reported that after eating seeds for their mid-morning snack for three months, they noticed a 300 to 400 percent increase in their energy levels. Make sure your seeds or nuts are raw. Roasted seeds have lost their life force. For more flavor, you can mix in some hempseed oil, garlic juice, balsamic vinegar, or organic apple cider vinegar.Choose From The Following Organic Seeds & Nuts:Siberian cedar nuts have one of the highest life-force energies and are the most nutritious and medicinally valuable pine nuts in the world; you can purchase these from www.energyoflife.ca. I also recommend that you read the book series, Anastasia by Vladimir Megre, which will open your eyes and touch your soul.
- ORGANIC SUPER GREEN FOOD SUPPLEMENT: Supplement with a high-quality organic green powder mix (wheat grass or a chlorella supplement), in a 20-ounce glass of purified water and add 1 teaspoon of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. This is fast and easy and provides your body with the nutritional value of five full salads! I use 1 ounce of the E3 Live mixed in water.
- ORGANIC GOJI BERRIES: If you're not familiar with the remarkable health benefits of Tibetan Goji Berries, do yourself a favor and try them. They pack more nutritional value into each bite than just about any other food. Eat a couple handfuls to curb your appetite before your lunch meal
- ORGANIC AVOCADO: Cut your avocado and sprinkle with fresh ground black or white pepper and squeeze fresh lime juice over it before eating. The pepper will help speed up your metabolism and the avocado contains the enzyme lipase. Foods containing lipase are the ones with naturally occurring "good fat." New research from UCLA indicates organic avocados are the highest fruit source of lutein (a carotenoid that helps prevent eye disease) among the 20 most frequently eaten fruits. In addition, researchers found that avocados have nearly twice as much vitamin E as previously reported, making them the highest fruit source of this powerful antioxidant. Avocados also contain four times more beta-sitosterol than any other fruit. Some studies have found that the avocado's beta-sitosterol content, combined with its monounsaturated fat content, helps to lower cholesterol levels.
MEAL #3 of the Day: LUNCH
Vegetable and Starch Meal
Have lunch between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Choose 2 to 3 alkaline vegetables (no acidic ones) and combine with a salad of fresh spinach, mixed lettuce, and greens (such as arugula, beet greens, or kale). Organic salad dressing or a mixture of oil and organic apple cider vinegar are excellent complements. Select only the red or dark-green leafy types of lettuce. Iceberg-type lettuces are usually hybrids and contain virtually zero nutritional value. Spinach (and baby spinach) is an excellent source of nutrients, and besides that it tastes great in salads. You may also mix some raw seeds or nuts of your choice into the salad.
Choose Two or Three Starchy Foods From Below To Accompany Your Salad:
If these can be eaten raw, then it is best. Otherwise, I would recommend you steam, boil, or bake.
(Should be eaten halfway between lunch and dinner)
These options will be the same as your mid-morning snack (listed above). Choose options #1, #2, #3, or #4 (For example, you might eat #1 on Mondays, #2 on Tuesdays, #3 on Wednesdays, and so forth)
MEAL #5 of the day: DINNER
Vegetable + protein + fat
It's best to have dinner between 6 and 8 p.m. As with lunch, eat a large, fresh vegetable salad (with only alkaline vegetables) before anything else. Mix 2 tablespoons of organic flaxseed oil, cold-pressed olive oil, hempseed oil, or grape seed oil into your salad. This dressing will provide more flavor as well as the essential fatty acids your body needs.
Although you need to pick one protein source for dinner, I strongly recommend you avoid meat. If you absolutely must have meat on occasion, limit it to 1-2 servings per week and make sure it's organic. Meat should come from animals raised without harmful antibiotics and hormones.
If the foods listed above don't interest you, I would strongly recommend you give Sunwarrior Protein a try.
*Legumes include beans and peas, and can be a good source of protein if eaten with mixed vegetables (in a salad) or with a complete protein (seeds, nuts, meat, and eggs). On their own, legumes are incomplete proteins and contain only certain amino acids.
If you want a little extra seasoning for your meal, Celtic or Himalayan Crystal Salt is an excellent substitute for regular table salt and Braggs™ Liquid Aminos blend can perk up any dish!
Make sure you don't overdo eating at dinnertime. Let your appetite be your guide and (I'll say it again) chew your food thoroughly!.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Thank you for sharing this Cleansing Diet with us! I have been thinking of trying one because I have been trying to lose some unwanted weight. I know a lot of people that have decided to do a cleaning diet and they said it was great and that the results were amazing. Thank you again for sharing this with us!