Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to make your own Biodiesel at home

A great savings of  33% on your car fuel and eco-friendly...

Attention all drivers!
Gas prices are rising! You are feeling the pinch everytime you top up diesel fuel
at the station! Now, you can change all that by learning...
"How To Save At Least 33% Of All The Hard-Earned Income By Spending Less MoneyOn Car Diesel And At The Same Time,
Keep Mother Nature Clean From Air Pollution!"

"The Ultimate Crash Course To Creating Biodiesel Quickly and Easily... from home!"

From the desk: Joseph Then
Hi, my name is Joseph and I am the creator of the product, "How to Make Biodiesel At Home". Now, let's look as some daunting facts...
Fuel prices are on the rise, and the diesel price is going around $3! That's almost 300% increase over the last 3 years. You would realize that you are spending an increase amount of $100-$300 per month on fuel!
So, if you are interested in learning how you can reduce your monthly fuel cost then this is the perfect resource for you!
As you know, fuel prices are on the rise and the best way to get out of the increasing fuel price is to look at alternative fuel.
Yes, we have a number of alternatives: Electric Hybrid Cars, Hydrogen Fuel, Solar Powered Cars, Water4Gas, etc. All of them are either too new in their technology curve, or they are too good to be true.
There is only one alternative fuel that stands the test: Biodiesel.
"Why Biodiesel?"
I'm sure you're aware that the usage of biodiesel is increasing and the people who can afford such luxury are switching their fuel to biodiesel."Why do people choose biodiesel over the ordinary petrol and diesel?", you wonder. Biodiesel fuel cost lesser!!
In fact, diesel and petrol is enough to eat up 1/3 of your monthly income. So imagine how much biodiesel will eat into your income?
Well despite that, people choose biodiesel because it has more advantages over petroleum diesel fuel such as:
It burns cleaner - Biodiesel is made of non-toxic chemicals so it does not give out poisonous fumes, unlike the ordinary fuel. 
It has better lubricity - Biodiesel gets your vehicle moving smoother. That means no more cranky noises and the fear of your vehicle breaking down!
It is longer lasting - Biodiesel enables you to travel further and beyond without having to replenish the fuel -- every now and then.
Environmental friendly - Using non-chemical ingredients, biodiesel is proven to be no danger to the environment.

That's why biodiesel makes a better quality fuel compared to diesel and petrol because biodiesel is a non-toxic, biodegradable form of fuel, which is made from biological components, rather than diesel. It is generally made from animal fats or vegetable fats. (Vegetable oil, cooking oil)
For this reason, many people switch their fuel to biodiesel.
Now, you don't want to be the remaining few who are paying a high price every month just to pump fuel that not only damages your car engine but contributes air pollution as well. (Nobody likes to be left out and certainly not YOU!) Also now that the price for fuel is increasing, you have every reason to find a better alternative that not only saves you money, but justify what you are paying for.

"Since An Ordinary Fuel Is Consider Costly, What Makes You Think I Can Afford Biodiesel?"

Good point. You see, not everyone can afford to pump biodiesel into their vehicles in every 2 weeks. They are in the same shoe string budget as you. However, they are still able to use biodiesel.
Does this make you wonder how they do it or where they get the money from?OR where is it that they purchase their biodiesel in such a cheap rate?
Well... They do spend very little money to get biodiesel. And much less than paying for the average fuel.
Just what is their secret?
I'll tell you:
"They MAKE their own biodiesel"
Yes. They make their own biodiesel. In short, it's homemade Biodiesel. And let's not assume they are professors or people with great knowledge in chemistry. They are in fact lay people, just like you.
Let's stop for a while and check out the various reports on Biodiesel, as seen on TV!
Homemade Biodiesel as reports in CBS!
BioFuel used in airplane!

Learning how to make biodiesel is possibly easy. So much so that the good thing is,you don't have to spend money on classes just to learn how to make your own biodiesel. In fact, a couple of books and information from here and there is enough to teach you.

"Now, if I were to offer you an E-book that guarantees to teach you and guide you fully to making your homemade biodiesel SUCCESSFULLY, in a simple and concise manner plus it will only cost you $39.00... Would you be interested in my E-book?"

If you are, here's the E-book that will guide you on making your own biodiesel!
"How To Make Your Own Biodiesel"

"How Much Can I Learn From This E-book?"
Let me explain.
This E-book is equipped with accurate information and step-to-step guide on how to carefully and successfully make your own biodiesel -- from scratch!
You see, learning through this E-book alone, you'll uncover that..
You don't need a PH degree in chemistry to make biodiesel! - The process is very simple and easy to follow. This E-book will guide you in a concise and diligent manner to ensure you create your homemade biodiesel, CORRECTLY and SUCCESSFULLY! 
You don't have to install any particular converter to your vehicle! - Biodiesel is adjustable to any diesel-run vehicle. So there is not need for any modification. Through this E-book, you will learn what are the necessary tools and ingredients (that prices at minimal cost) needed!
People who don't know chemistry has easily made and used their own Biodiesel--- SUCCESSFULLY! - Which means YOU can do it too, but only with the right guidance from this E-book and a little patience to overcome this learning curve.
It only requires tools like basic kitchen utensils and natural ingredients like cooking oil! - You'll be amaze that you don't need large machines and processors lying around the house or basement. Read this E-book to find out how you cancreate your homemade biodiesel without operating big and complicated machines!
The ingredients are easily obtainable! - You will discover where you can get your Biodiesel ingredients for FREE!
It is safely guaranteed and you will not harm yourself in the process of creating your own Biodiesel! - All you need is a guide book to help you understand well enough on what to do!

With that, you will be able to learn and create your own biodiesel, successfully!

And the best part is..
"Once You Start Making And Creating
Your Own Bio-Diesel, You Will..."
Save an amount of your income from spending on fuel! 
Have a longer lasting tank of fuel that will help you travel to your destinations and beyond!
Have a cleaner and long lasting engine so that you don't have to spend money on frequent servicing's and maintenance's!
No longer have to endure the foul smell of diesel as well as the irritating noises!
Use the oil from left-over food to create your own Bio-Diesel, so nothing goes to waste!
Reduce the amount of pollution you generate, including carbon dioxide, which is contributes to global warming!
Enjoy a new hobby that saves you money and the environment!
So how much will I save?
Let's do a simple calculation. Use the following calculator and see how much you will save if you use Biodiesel!

Biodiesel Savings Calculator

How many gallons of fuel are you buying monthly?
What is your current cost per gallon of fuel?
What percentage of your fuel do you plan to replace?
Savings per gallon:
Savings per month:
The above calculator assumes a 60 cent per gallon processing cost.

If the above benefits you, the next thing you need to do is...


**Yours For Only $39.00!**

The book contains 36 pages of simple and easy-to-follow-instructions which you can read in a short period of time. Consider the number of pages, it doesn't require a lot of steps to create your own biodiesel, effectively! See how easy it can be?
For just $39.00? That's Cheap! Why?
The reason why I'm selling this so cheaply is because of the Internet. I have no expenses because this is a downloadable product. Don't worry I have even downloaded my own product in just 3 minutes!
So for only $39.00, you can proudly fill your car with the best biodiesel quality and its only for your own usage! Best of all, you can do it NOW - since you'll receive your PDF guide instantly!
Now think about it...By producing your own biodiesel, you are killing 2 birds with one stone!
First: You're saving HUNDREDS (or more) of dollars from pumping ordinary petrol/diesel that only damages your engine.
Second: You are keeping the environment clean!
Not to mention, if you make your own biodiesel-- You might want to make it a business and start selling your homemade fuel!


And, did I mentioned that your purchase comes with a guarantee? Yes, I am so sure that you will love this product, here is my guarantee to you:
Yes, this is my guarantee to you. Read it, try it, ALL RISKS ARE ON ME!

To make your decision even easier, I've made the delivery process completely automated, which means you will receive your PDF guide immediately after you have completed the ordering process.
 Yes, - I Can't Wait To Get  "How To Make Your Own Biodiesel"  
Retail Price: $49.00
Sale Price: $39.00
Your order is processed through a 128 Bit Encryption so your purchase is 100% safe!
Download Immediately After Purchase  !
  Click To Verify 

Warm Regards,
Joseph Then

PS: The guide is in plain and simple English and you absolutely can't go wrong! This is the best and proven guide that you can ever find on the market! And it's only for$39.00!
PPS: This is a great and interesting hobby which you can invest in an affordable price. Think about what you can gain after you challenge yourself to making your own biodiesel. That would be so awesome!
PPPS: The ordering process is COMPLETELY SAFE! You will start reading this ebook within 5 minutes of payment! 

Clients Testimonials
"I Will Save About $2000 A Year!"
"Thanks for this amazing information! It was some time I was looking for a comprehensive and detailed handbook to make biodiesel at home and kick the big companies out of my life for good! I did some numbers and I will save about $2000 a year. I can't wait!"
- Sandra Martinez, USA

"...Simple And Powerful"
"This is a nice ebook and method used is simple and powerful. It not only help us to make biodiesel at home, but also help in recycling waste cooking oil. Plus, Biodiesel is more friendly and reliable to our motors. Frankly I recommend this to all. Thanks for the ebook"
- Jerry, Mumbai

"Even A Novice Like Me Could Follow..."
"With increasing fuel prices and crisis, Biodiesel could be the best and only alternative and this ebook tells us how to make that biodiesel from used cooking oil!! This ebook explains how to make biodiesel in an easy manner which even a novice like me could follow. I would definitely recommend this ebook, 100%."
- PS Das, India

"Very Easy To Understand And Follow..."
"Great book! This is the first time i am told that we can make biodiesel at home, Authough I know very little about chemistry, I find the step by step guidance in the book is very easy to understand and follow. I will definitely recommend to my friends, I am sure this is a good news for those feel pain about the increasing gas price."
- Jenny Zhao

Algae Biofuels 101


In 1995 I Was Touring Vietnam and Saw Farmers Pouring Vegetable Oil Directly Into Their Tractors for Fuel. I Couldn't Believe It...algae biofuels 101

Now You Too Can Discover How to Quickly and Easily 

Get All the "Home Grown" Fuel You Ever Need… 

No Experience or Fancy Tech Skills Required! 


 Dear Friend,
In April of, 1995 I went from one of the most affluent nations on earth to Vietnam, and was immediately plunged into a world where lights, fans, air conditioning, public and private transport, ceased to exist for lack of fuel.See a video here of my experiences.
Recent oil embargos, high prices, lack of domestic resources had taken their toll. There were no cars, taxis, and very few motorcycles. "Public transportation" consisted of bicycle driven rickshaws. The energy situation, even in major cities, was frequent power outages, black-outs and brown-outs. This meant no lights, and no air conditioning even in 100 + degree, hot, humid, heat.
In the country the situation was even worse. Candles were still used for light after 6pm. Rice fields were still plowed by water buffalo. It was while touring the country side I was introduced to my wife's cousin. He was one of the more affluent farmers. Yet even he couldn't afford fuel. I walked out into the rice paddies with him one day and saw him do something which changed my viewpoint on energy forever.
My cousin, a former Viet cong soldier, did the unthinkable.

He Poured Straight Vegetable Oil Into His Tractor and Used It As Fuel.

Keep in mind, this was 1995, long before the current bio diesel craze, this was RADICAL. He explained to me later he would start the tractor on a miniscule amount of diesel, then once the engine was warm, he used vegetable oil which he collected from local restaurants. He figured out a way to create almost free fuel.

He May Have Been Poor, but That Didn't Mean For Minute He Was Stupid.

While you may not be a farmer in a third world country, you have at least one thing in common with my cousin: you need fuel.
It taught me a very important lesson...Without fuel - energy - you can pretty much kiss life as we know it goodbye. You don't collect the winner's check. You don't get the result you're working hard to achieve. You fall back in the pack while those with full tanks pass you by and take what could have been yours.
This is true no matter what bio fuels model you’re using.
  • It doesn’t matter if you're collecting your own waste oil.
  • It doesn't matter if you if you have your own feedstock.
  • If doesn't matter if you grow algae for a living.
  • It doesn't matter if you're a brain surgeon or a nuclear scientist.
It doesn't matter if you're making biodiesel or ethanol, bio-jet fuel or bio-plastics, the point is:

You Won’t Make a Drop Unless You Understand The Basic Fundamentals First.

You will not - cannot - make algae based biofuels without advanced knowledge.
But not just any knowledge will do.
You can find that all over the internet. You need targeted, actionable knowledge. Knowledge you can use today, knowledge of where to find the right tools, locally, and inexpensively, knowledge that works now, and will work forever.
The question is:

How do you get this knowledge?

Nobody has to convince you that fuel prices are going to continue to rise, right? You got this figured out by now. You know that it's a rigged game ... the more people who come to buy fuel, but the available supply of fuel is getting smaller.
It's simple math. It is simple "supply and demand."
The reason the oil companies make a boatload of money is because they have a boatload of people "held hostage" to their product.
In essence,

Biofuels That You Can Make Yourself = Money In The Bank.

Preaching to the choir, right? You already know this. What you probably don't know is how to fuel up. What you probably don't know is how to get the maximum amount of fuel with the minimum amount of effort and the least amount of money invested.
I've got GREAT news for you...

No More Crazy Prices, No More high Heating Costs, No More Gas Pumps!
You Don't Need To Spend A Fortune To Get Fuel!

Not convinced? Read this and tell me if I'm right...
Just think about the last time you went to the gas pump. Tell me, how did you feel about the experience?
  • Did you feel cheated?
  • Did you feel gouged?
  • Did you feel like you had no choice whatsoever?
If you're like me, you probably felt all those emotions and more.
Point is, if you were able to make your own bio fuels, with algae-based feedstocks… and that would probably drop hundreds (maybe even thousands) of dollars into your bank account!
So here’s what I’m sayingIf you're able to make bio fuels from algae, as some of the most successful and wealthiest companies, including the US military is now doing, then why not put the inexpensive methods to work for yourself? 
But there’s a catch…
  • You need to know which algae strains to use. 
  • You need to know how to grow and maximize algae growth
  • You need to know how to make test bioreactors
  • And you need to know the right way to use these proven strategies.
You see, NOT all algae bio fuels strategies work.

Biofuels Only Work When The Production Methods Are Effective

Can you imagine putting water into your car tank instead of gasoline? Or trying to start a fire in your fireplace with a steel girder instead of wood? Not every kind of fuel works. It may be readily available, but it just doesn't get the result you're looking for.
Here’s a dirty little secret:
Some of the biggest and most-talked-about biofuel strategies do NOT work. But everyone talks about them because some shmoo is selling a book or a product about the latest and greatest whiz-bang "alternative energy" strategy.
Or they work for a week or two or until your car starts breaking down. Can you say "Back to the gas pump?!"
That’s why you need to focus on the proven, time-tested strategies. These are the ones that work today and will work tomorrow. They’re reliable, predictable… and they work!
Listen, I know some people don’t believe that biofuels can be as good as or even better than fossil fuels. It is. 100's of people use these same strategies every day, take a look at their testimonials here.
Even big multi-million dollar companies use these strategies. No kidding…(I'm a consultant)

Top Five Reasons Why Algae Biodiesel 101 Rocks!

  • Reason 1: No going broke trying to learn the ropes!
  • Reason 2: These strategies level the playing field between you and the utility big dogs!
  • Reason 3: Algae based biofuels is surprisingly powerful, targeted and profitable!
  • Reason 4: It’s easy to get started – you could be implementing your first biofuels strategy in just minutes from now!
  • Reason 5: These strategies are just as good if not BETTER than many forms of paid fuel, so you’ll enjoy great results without paying an arm and a leg in equipment costs!
Now listen, these biofuel strategies may not be all glitzy and new. But these are the reliable workhorses. These are the ones that will work day after day after day…
End result?
• More money in your bank account to buy those little extras and do those things you’ve been talking about.
• More free time enjoying friends, family and hobbies.
If all of this sounds good, then you’re reading the right page…

Introducing Algae Biofuels 101™ – Your Guide to
the “Best of the Best” Algae Biofuel Strategies!

Here’s what bio F.U.E.L. stands for:
algae biofuels 101F – Free. or inexpensive. No worrying about going bankrupt trying to find the right parts or equipment! Everything we teach you is completely low-cost methods. Why pay for expensive equipment when you can get it at the home improvement store?
U – Understandable. A algae based strategy is worthless if you don’t know how to deploy it correctly. It’s these deployment secrets that you’ll learn once you’re a member of Algae Biofuels 101 and they're explained in an easy-to-follow language anyone can understand!
E – Effective. A strategy isn’t worth a penny to you if it doesn't produce results. That’s why you’ll learn only the most effective, proven and time-tested strategies that work!
L – Lasting. These strategies work today. They’ll work tomorrow. And you can bet they’ll be working next year, too. You'll learn methods of generating low cost fuel that continue to produce results long after you've set them up.
That’s right, these are the proven strategies. The ones that predictably work every single time. These are the strategies you’ll wish you started using ages ago!
Just look at what you get when you join Algae Biofuel 101. now…
• You’ll get your first algae based-strategy report instantly when you join now – you can put it to work for you immediately! (Details below on what's included in this gem!)
• You’ll get a new algae based strategy report delivered to your inbox every 2 weeks for as long as you’re a member – no more getting overwhelmed or confused!
You'll get a step by step "action Plan" and "Action Checklist" to keep you track.
• You’ll finally get results. That’s because this bi-monthly membership site is set up to give you the focus you need to succeed!
• You’ll get a complete, meaty, 25-50 page biofuels manual every 2 weeks – no guesswork required, because you’ll get detailed, crystal-clear instructions that tell you how to deploy and profit from these strategies!
• You’ll discover the right strategies and the right way to deploy them. No more wasting time with strategies that don’t work!
• You’ll discover the TRUTH about biofuel strategies – which ones work, which ones you should ignore. No more chasing after “bright and shiny” opportunities that fall flat!
• You’ll get in-depth guidance on the “workhouse” strategies – these are the ones that predictably work every single time you use them! Set these "machines" in motion!
• You’ll get amazing low-cost tips and secrets that will open your eyes – even if you thought you knew about the technique, you’ll learn something new every month!
• Your knowledge will build week by week as you discover and deploy a new strategy every month –you probably won’t believe what your eyes are telling you!
• Your biofuel output (and savings!) will grow exponentially due to the synergistic effects of combining these methods – together they’re more powerful than when used alone!
And more!
Week after week, you’ll learn more and more about how to get make high-quality biofuels for your car, your home or your business. It’s like getting a PhD in biofuels.

Here's How To Learn More Than A Dozen "Tips and Techniques "
Making Gallon After Gallon of Biofuels Around The Clock...

What about you? Do you want to win at getting your fuel costs down? Would you like to get more than a dozen tip and techniques to never buy fuel again?
I developed the Algae Biofuel 101.™ membership site to teach you how to make completely low cost biofuel. Every 2 weeks for six months (6 months) you'll receive an email with a special download link for that week's issue. Each issue is 25-50 pages in length and is a step-by-step "blueprint" for learning a low cost biofuel strategy and actually putting it to work for you.
Over the coming 6 months we'll cover proven biofuel strategies...
Algae Biofuels 101.™ is a 6-month training program, and as a member you will receive...

One 25-50 Page Monthly Issue every 2 weeks For 6 Months
In Delivered Online as well as .PDF Format

How about a sneak peek at your first module?
Algae Biofuels 101.™ Module #1
"Understanding Algae Biodiesel Quickly and Easily"
In this module you'll learn...
  • A visual overview of the algae biofuels process. 
  • A simple system for locating free native algae in your area easily and quickly. 
  • A "down and Dirty" step-by-step methods of determining if the local algae in your area is oil bearing, (and what to do if it isn't.). 
  • A "Quick-Start" guide to determine if you should use local, native algae, or buy an proven algae strain! 
  • How to build an inexpensive algae incubator for less than $35. 
  • Examples and ideas for everything from start to finish - more than just learning WHAT to do, you'll learn HOW to do it. 
  • Action Plan 
  • 3 Bonus downloads 
Algae Biofuels 101.™ Module #2
"8 best algae strains to start with and where to get them"
In this module you'll learn
  • An overview of the 8 best algae strains to start with. 
  • The ONE algae strain you should consider before all others. 
  • The best climates to grow algae in. 
  • Oil content by species. 
  • Where to buy algae strains world-wide 
  • Action checklist 
  • Action plan 
  • 3 Bonus downloads! 
And that's just the first month's modules! If you'd like to see a complete "Table of Contents" Click here. You'll receive a total of twelve meaty, jam-packed, blueprint modules over the next 6 months with only the most effective low cost algae biofuel strategies.
Over the coming months, you'll also learn....
  • Strategies for uncovering free or low cost algae resources! 
  • Proven ways to cultivate and maximize your algae growth!
  • Build a low cost algae bioreactor for $35! Build an 85 gallon reactor for less than $220! 
  • Build a Backyard Open Raceway pond!
  • Low-cost, dead simple, algae harvesting techniques! 
  • My all-time best way to extract the oil easily and cheaply!
  • Your personal "secret weapon" that can use the make biodiesel or bioethanol! 
  • More than a dozen solid, effective tactics you can deploy immediately!
I'm not going to tell you what specific strategies we'll be covering. You gotta pay to play. No joke. Some you've heard of, some probably not. None of them have every been shared like I'm going to share them, with my own "tweaks" and "behind the scenes" details which make them especially effective.
 So here’s a question…

What Are These Proven Biofuel Strategies Worth To You?

Let me ask you this – How much is just ONE tank of fuel worth to you?
Let’s say you spend $30 a week filling up your tank. Not unreasonable...I bet many people spend more than that. That means each time you fill up it is worth $30 to you on the front end. And on the backend you’ll likely pay hundreds, if not thousands of dollars over the course of a year.
So if filling up your car once a week is worth $30, then over the course of one year you've spent $360. How much does a tank of heating oil cost you in the winter? If one tank a gas a week is worth $360, and one tank of heating oil is worth $500, how much would low cost biofuel every month be worth to you?
Figure that out, and you’ll know how much this monthly membership is worth to you and your bottom line!
Listen, you don’t have to do the math. That’s because I’m going to make this really simple. If you join now and lock in one of the first 150 charter memberships in this site, I’ll grandfather you in at the introductory price of just $24.99 per month.
Yep, you read that right – just 25 bucks a month and you’ll finally find out how to get all algae based biofuels you'll ever need.
Think about itEven if these strategies deliver just ONE gas tank of fuel to you, you’d recoup your investment and pocket an easy profit. But truth is, I’d be horribly disappointed and embarrassed if these strategies only brought you one tank a month.
You see, if you follow my instructions, you can expect to make more biofuels. MUCH more. And that means more money in the bank.
Every 2 weeks you get a new, proven traffic-strategy report. Most people might charge $47, $67 or more for meaty reports of this caliber. But you get ‘em every month like clockwork for just $24.99 per month.
But only if you act now.
After the charter memberships are gone, the price jumps to $37. I’m not kidding. Ask around, and you’ll find out that this isn’t a gimmick – I always do what I say I’m going to do. So when I tell you the price WILL go up, it’s just a matter of time. So I hope you join today before the price increase.
Look, $37 per month is still a bargain – but why pay more when you don’t have to?

Save money by joining now to lock in the low
charter membership price of just $24.99 per month!

And if you join now you'll not only lock-in forever at the charter price, but you'll also receive...
Fast Action Bonus: Free Bonus Download of Algae Biofuels 101.Available For Immediate Download If You Order Today
Join today and you'll receive a free bonus courtesy of Algae Biofuels 101.™ available for immediate download upon completion of your order!
A Look Back at the Aquatic Species Program (318 pages)
The book that started it all. This is a "must have" reference detailing the early methods and techniques of algae fuel production using open "raceway" ponds. Jimmy Carter commissioned this study in the early days of the Arab Oil Embargo. It was, at the time, years ahead of its time. I don't know of anyone, who is seriously interested in algae bio fuels who hasn't studied this book from cover to cover. Now
You'll get this bonus immediately ... IF you order today. Join now!

Chances are if you come back later these fast action bonuses will be gone. If you decide not to join now and return later to find the above boxes have been removed, it means they are no longer available. No exceptions.

I'm So Sure You'll Love Algae Biofuels 101.™
I'm Willing To "Bribe" You With Some Goodies...

Seriously, I'm convinced that once you join this membership site you'll stay with it for all twelve exciting issues. I'm guessing that 90% of those who join will "graduate" from the training program in twelve months because the content is that good.
But, I don't have to convince myself, right? :)
As an effort to convince YOU to give Algae Biofuels 101.™ a try, I've decided to add some "icing" to the cake so to speak. If you join now you'll also receive the following four bonuses with your membership...

Bonus 1: The Aquatic Species Report

This is a 318-page special report which rocked the biofuels world! This is where it all started. This 318 page report in exhaustive in its detail of algae to biodiesel processes using race-way or open pond designs. A MUST-HAVE resource  for anyone interested in algae biodiesel.
Think about it:
This is the report that EVERY SINGLE biofuel consultant cuts their chops on, and still uses to this day. It is THAT GOOD. It is so exhaustive in its detail that many places online, even is selling this report for $30 and up!

Bonus 2: Free Bonus Downloads Every Month

As if twelve algae biofuels blueprints isn't enough, you'll also receive FREE "bonus" downloads of valuable private and government reports every 3 months!
These "bonus" downloads will, of course, be in ADDITION to your regular monthly issue. This gives you a total of 12 free downloads + 12 issues of Algae Biofuels 101.™ for the price of 12!
Extra: You'll not only learn how to make free biofuels from waste products, but these special issues will show you how biodiesel processors from discarded hot water tanks, even ethanol stills and much, much more!

Bonus 3: Graduation Gift Worth More Than The Membership Cost

In six months you will "graduate" from the Algae Biofuels 101.™ training program. That is, you will complete it ... pay for and receive your twelfth and final issue.
Two weeks after this happens, you will receive a "graduation gift" that will be equal in value to the price of your entire 6 month membership!
I'm not a mind-reader, but I'm guessing the question on your mind is this...
What is this "graduation" gift?
Fair question!
This special gift is the "Making Algae Biodiesel at Home" paperback worth $197 shipped directly to you, no strings attached!
Two weeks after your graduation you'll automatically receive an email letting you know how to claim your free paperback.
Best of all…

Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed!

I’m so sure you’ll be pleased with your membership and with your results that I’m absolutely guaranteeing your satisfaction. I'll give you the first 7 days for ONLY $4.99 to try it out. If you’re unsatisfied for ANY reason, just let me know within 60 days and I’ll cheerfully refund every penny – no questions asked!
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Firing is one of the most important stages in bricks productions.They fire bricks in gas furnaces. Underfired  bricks is usually darker and heavier than the regular or standard and it brakes easily. Overfired bricks is much stronger and no moisture content, and sounds high pitch when hammered...... .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Ceramic Brick Production In Kazakhstan

Posted on  by ok4u2bu
“Strategy 2020 – Kazakhstan’s way to leadership!”
Today, we want to show you how they produce ceramic brick in Kokshetau, Kazakhstan.

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The factory’s estimated capacity is 60 million bricks a year. Brick is one of the oldest building materials in the world. In fact, it is artificial stone that features the same characteristics as natural one. Up to the middle of the 19th century, its production was primitive and highly labor-intensive. Just 150 years ago, they began mechanizing the technology.
It is considered that multi-bucket and rotor excavators extract best clay for brick production.
Brick production includes three stages:
1. Extraction of clay and preparation of furnace charge.
2. Brick forming and drying.
3. Firing.
Extracted clay is brought to the factory where they crush and moisten it, and remove stones.
Introduction of crushing and moisturing machines allowed brick producers to give up using lime pits. Furthermore, due to automated grinding and mixing, they receive much better paste suitable for hydrostatic-extrusion brick forming.
Uniform mass goes to the forming department.
The press above makes brickets with holes inside. The number of holes influences solidity and thermal insulation characteristics of bricks.
Then, they cut off a bar which has a length of 10 bricks…
To cut it into bricks with a special machine.
After that, they have to dry it.
They raise the temperature slowly which ensures the best quality of the brick dried.
Brick color varies from red to black depending on the acidity at firing. Also, they may add colorants to change the color of brick.
This machine puts bricks on trays before firing.
Firing is one of the most important stages at brick production. They fire brick in gas furnaces. Underfired brick which is usually darker and heavier than the regular one is easy to break. Overfired brick is stronger, it doesn’t imbibe moisture and sounds high-pitch.
Finished product.
Location: Kokshetau
via russos
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