Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to eliminate stress with nature and sun

About alberto de leon(health & Nutrition)vox-40       .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

How Do I Eliminate Stress with Nature and Sun?

Stress Management Through Nature

Natural stress relief is great when you can get it. You can do a lot to relieve stress, from exercise to massage therapy. How about just sitting? That works too. And, where you sit can make even more of a difference. Nature provides great stress relief. The wind through the branches of majestic trees, the blossoms of flowering plants, the blue-jays flying and the frogs leaping all play a soothing symphony and all you have to do is step out into it. And if you're near flowing water, then you are really fortunate!

What Nature & Sunlight Can Do1 For You

  • Nature and sunlight can greatly improve your mood.
  • Being close to nature lets you feel removed from the things that cause you stress.
  • Being in the sun is a natural source of vitamin D.
Did You Know
Did You Know?
Being outside in nature when you meditate lets you quiet your thoughts, open your mind and connect with the power that your surroundings hold.2
The sun is a powerful weapon in our arsenal against stress. It has powers that we can wield just by being in its light. Just as sunlight is needed for plants, it's needed for humans too. It's exhilarating to be out in the sunlight and excitement is an obstacle to stress. Improve your health, get some sun.

The Effects of Stress

It's become clear that stress is a part of most of our lives. But, are you embracing it as a necessity instead of realizing the power that you have to fight against it? If you keep stress, you run the risk of developing serious ailments. You can opt to combat stress. Any of these symptoms can indicate that you're stressed: sleep disorders, pain and abnormal muscle tension, chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal disturbances, or increased smoking or drinking.

How to Eliminate Stress with Nature and Sun

Nature and sunlight provide us with beauty, energy, vitamin synthesis, and clean, fresh air. In nature we have chance to relax and release our stress to the open air. Below are a few ideas to get you into the natural flow of things. The list is by no means exhaustive, only some really simple ideas that can easily get you started.
  • You don't have to be a jogger or swimmer or even a walker. You just have to be outside and you are doing good things for your body and your spirit.
  • Take your meditation times outside. Experience the magic of nature and let the sunlight work in your body. You know, 20 minutes in the sun will cause your body to manufacture vitamin D naturally, which is necessary for your good health.
  • When you're outside, walking to the store, work or to a neighbor's house, take time to notice the trees, leaves, plants, animals along the way. When was the last time you were stopped in your tracks by a lovely spider web, or the things that insects do? Be open; let it take you for a moment. As it does, you can feel your stress passing out of you.
  • Putting a birdfeeder in your backyard is a way of inviting birds to come and be present with you.
  • You can take up gardening or landscaping. While you're gardening, you may want to consider planting a vegetable garden. Organic fruit and vegetables are the healthiest produce to eat. And what better way to interact with nature!
  • If you find that you spend much of your time indoors, bring nature in with you. Bring a water fountain inside to bring you close to nature. The natural sound of moving water can relieve stress easily.
  • Indoor plants are beneficial relieving stress in several ways:
  • There are kinds that can cleanse the air you're breathing
  • Caring for plants, like gardening, is a therapeutic, soothing activity
  • Salt lamps are designed to increase negative ions in the air and this enhances your relaxed, calm sense of being.
  • Nature sounds on compact discs are developed with the understanding that nature is critical to stress relief. If you cannot be in it, you can use these sounds to recall the experiences of being in nature and sun. At your desk, or wherever you choose, close your eyes, listen and breathe deeply and for a few minutes work can be a distant memory.
  • What does your desktop and screensaver look like? Try putting up pictures of nature and in your times between activities you can briefly drift off into nature.
  1. Information taken from

Link between vitamin D deficiency and heart attacks.

About alberto de leon(Health & Nutrition)vox-42         ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Is There A Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency & Heart Attacks?

Milk & Vitamin D Defiency
Authors of a new study have concluded that males with a low level of Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, are more likely to suffer a heart attack.
There are a variety of clinical studies showing that the death rates attributed to cardiovascular diseases grow during winter months. Conversely, the opposite was found at lower altitudes. This background pattern was expressed in the author’s article, published in the June 9 edition of the journal, Archives of Internal Medicine.
In conjunction with a team from the Department of Epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health, Edward Giovannucci, M.D., Sc.D., analyzed medical records and blood samples of 454 men, aged 40-75, all of whom have suffered from fatal heart diseases or had previously suffered non-fatal heart attacks.

Researchers compared it with the medical records and blood samples of 900 men, still living, who never had any of the same heart complications.
What they found was that males with Vitamin D deficiency or those who merely meet the “intermediate” levels of Vitamin D, were more at risk of heart attack, compared to those with a healthy amount of Vitamin D in their diet. Researchers concluded that their results supported the idea that Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of heart attack, and possibly death.
They added that their findings support the need to enhance Vitamin D levels in the body to reduce this problem.

Where Do We Get Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin and is referred to as the “sunshine vitamin.” Sun exposure prompts our bodies produce vitamin D naturally. Sun exposure for as little as 10 to 15 minutes, 3 times a week is enough time to produce sufficient quantities of vitamin D. Unless you get very little “sun time,” there’s really no need to get vitamin D from your dietor Vitamin D supplements.

When vitamin D is manufactured in the body, the excess can remain in the body for months. During sunny months, you can increase your vitamin D levels by increasing your time in the sun.
Vitamin D plays a very important role in your body’s health by promoting the absorption of magnesium and calcium. These substances are vital to the healthy development of bones and teeth. Vitamin D also helps to keep adequate levels of phosphorus and calcium in the blood.
If necessary, vitamin D supplements can be taken to meet your body’s needs. It should be noted that vegans often choose Vitamin D2 labeled items instead of Vitamin D3.

The Difference Between Vitamin D2 & Vitamin D3

Vitamin D2, named ergocalciferol, is produced by irradiating plants to produce yeasts. Vitamin D3 comes from animal sources. Its manufacturing base can come from cattle brains, sheep wool, hides and fish.

Recommended Reading:


Monday, January 28, 2013

The best magic tricks of David Blaine

About alberto de leon(The Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine)vox-a16   ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

The Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine

David Blaine’s Best Magic Tricks
david blaine electrified The Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine Pictures Seen on
David Blaine Has some amazing magic tricks up his sleeve! His most recent 2012 stunt is electrified! He managed to spend three days with electricity shooting straight at him… David Blaine levitated, made a girl’s teeth disappear, he did a whole lot of amazing tricks, and we have the best of them right here. Check them out.
David Blaine’s most recent stunt is perhaps not as amazing as the ons in which he makes things disappear, or when he reads people’s minds, but it’s an act of great courage, and a dash of madness! The great modern-day magician decided to defy all odds and play with deadly electricity.
 The Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine Pictures Seen on
The stunt is suggestively titled “Electrified: One Million Volts Always On”, and in order to wow everyone, David Blaine got dressed in a metal suit and stood on top of a 20-foot-high pillar for three days without sleep or food while surrounded by a million volts of electricity.
 The Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine Pictures Seen on
Before performing the amazing stunt, Blaine declared that:
“Remember the plasma balls they used to have at Sharper Image and you would touch the side of the ball and the electricity would come off to your finger tips, I wanted to do that. Everybody gets to control the environment that I’m in and shoot all of the arcs of currents and electricity”
 The Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine Pictures Seen on
The stunt was successful, and even tho a team of doctors was on standby throughout the whole event, Blaine made it through the weekend, from Friday till Monday without being harmed by the shocking electricity around him.
So what does Blaine get out of all of this? Fame? Money? Glory? All of the above! And that’s pretty amazing to say the least. See more pictures from “Electrified: One Million Volts Always On” below, and also check out the videos of rehearsels and previous of the shocking event that took place at Pier 54 on Manhattan’s West Side, from Friday October 5th, till Monday October 8th, 2012.
 The Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine Pictures Seen on
 The Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine Pictures Seen on
 The Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine Pictures Seen on
 The Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine Pictures Seen on

Do you think that’s dangerous and you are amazed at the fact that he made it? Check out a magician that wasn’t so lucky and whose magic trick went Completely wrong. See the great Moodini being dragged by a race car.

Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine:

Card Tricks:
The trick you are about to see in the video below is truly amazing: David not only manages to switch the cards that one of the bystanders had in his hands (and to which he never let go) but he also managed to “steal” the guy’s watch in front of the camera, with no one seeing the deed.
Pick a card… any card… David Blaine can guess your card even if you’re in the comfort of your own home, in front of or computer, in your PJs and with a cup of hot, steam tea. Visualize your card, and let David guess it.
David Blaine does a card trick for Orlando Bloom
We all like Orlando Bloom, don’t we? Well so does David Blaine, see him do an amazing card magic trick for the famous actor: he took out 20 random cards from a normal deck, he gave Orlando 10, and Blaine kept 10. Then invited Orlando and us, the public to chose a card… see what happens. Did he guess your card too, cause he surely guessed mine and Orlando’s!
In the video below, he stabbs a card straight to the heart. Wanna see why? Have a look:
David Blaine Showing Snoop Dogg His Magic
See more amazing magic tricks from David Blaine on page 2.


Read more:      ...............................................................................................................................................   ................................................................................................................................................David Blaine playing with money
Below you are gonna see David Blaine perform some amazing magic tricks with money, not just coins, bills too! Check them out: he can make coins flip on their own, and also he made the face on a one dollar bill change! See for yourself:
David Blaine – Dive of Death
david blaine dive of death The Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine Pictures Seen on
For this amazing stunt, David Blaine hung upside down without a safety net for 60 hours above Central Park’s Wollman Rink… after which he made a courageous jump. Blaine risked blindness and other maladies in the stunt. See some footage below:

David Blaine Removes Girl’s Teeth
As shocking as this might seem to you, it’s true! David removed the teeth of a girl he had never met before, then spat them back in her mouth and she looked as if nothing had happened. See this amazing and astonishing magic trick below:
Not magic enough for you? See real zombies brought back from the dead through black magic in Indonesia.
David Blaine held his breath for 17 minutes!
davidblaineAP 468x690 The Best Magic Tricks of David Blaine Pictures Seen on
Read more about this amazing, yet extremely dangerous stunt over here.


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