Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dr.Group's 7-day oxygen colon cleanse

About alberto de leon(health & nutrition)vox-12      ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Dr. Group's 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse

ATTENTION! - Before you start cleansing, read the information and cleansing steps that have worked the best for our customers to maximize your cleansing results. [Read Here]
Oxy-Powder® is globally recognized as the ultimate oxygen colon cleanser and is highly praised by numerous customers and health practitioners from around the world. This all-natural product can help ease intestinal compaction, bloating, and a number of other bowel related symptoms.
Oxy-Powder® is gentle, yet extremely powerful. It is by far the safest and most effective way to remove accumulated waste matter and toxins which, can lead to a toxic colon and body.
The cleansing power of oxygen literally bubbles away years of compacted toxic matter lining the walls of the small and large intestines. This leaves you with a clean, refreshed and healthier colon.

Supplies Needed for the 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse:

  • Plenty of distilled water or purified water (I recommend using a wellness carafeto purify your tap water). This will be used to make the "Super Water" which you will drink while cleansing. Distilled water can be purchased at any supermarket.
  • Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
  • Healthy Foods (preferably organic) see the suggested cleansing diet.
  • 1 bottle of Oxy-Powder®.

What should I drink during the 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse?

Do your best to drink ½ your body weight (in ounces) of "Super Water" each day during the 7-Day oxygen colon cleanse.
Example: If you weigh 150 pounds you should drink 75 ounces of "Super Water" daily. I also recommend drinking this water after your cleanse on a regular basis to maintain good intestinal and overall health.

How to Make Dr. Group's Toxin-Free "Super Water"

  1. Start with one gallon (128 ounces) of distilled, purified or Wellness Water®, preferably stored or purchased in a glass container. Remove 2-3 ounces of water so that you can add the additional ingredients listed below.
  2. Add three tablespoons of raw non-pasteurized organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to the gallon of water. Shake well. If the taste is too strong for you to handle, reduce to 2 tablespoons per gallon until you become accustomed to the taste.
  3. Optional: Add the juice of ½ organic lemon and 1-2 ounces Organic Aloe Vera Juice per gallon of "Super Water". This is not necessary but will improve your colon cleansing results.
Personal Note: Distilled water works beautifully to help detoxify the body. However, if you regularly consume distilled water it may cause a mineral depletion from your body. Therefore, I recommend always adding Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to distilled water to replace the essential minerals normally absent.

Why Organic Apple Cider Vinegar?

Nearly a hundred different health-promoting substances have been identified in organic Apple Cider Vinegar. ACV is arguably one of the best all-around detoxifiers for your body's intestinal tract and organs. This is why it's so important to use only raw organic apple cider vinegar - it's the only way to obtain all the life-promoting enzymes and vitamins needed for proper intestinal detoxification. High quality ACV brands include: Bragg™, Solana Gold™ or Spectrum™.
Do your best to avoid drinking any other liquids during the 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse as this tends to decrease the water's cleansing action and may dehydrate you.

Avoid or abstain as much as possible from the following:

  1. Coffee - Heavy in caffeine, volatile oils, & added calories from sugar, creamer, etc.
  2. Milk - Dairy & soy milk can constipate and slow down the digestive process.
  3. Alcohol - In both name and function, Alcohol is just poison for your body.
  4. Bottled Juices - They contain very little actual juice, toxic preservatives and sugars.
  5. Soft Drinks & Energy Drinks - Loaded with calories, refined sugar, chemical preservatives, or artificial sweeteners, these rank among the worst things you can put in your body.
The beverages above will decrease the effectiveness of your colon cleansing efforts and increase your daily toxin intake. Remember, the body is comprised mostly of water and wants and needs only this life-giving substance (after breastfeeding, of course).
Is Your Colon Clean? Take the Colon Health Test

What should I eat during the 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse?

During the 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse, I recommend eating 5 small healthy meals daily (breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner). Click here to view the Suggested Cleansing Diet.
NOTE: For best results, choose only organic foods. If you have a local organic farmers market, purchase your foods from there. Foods bought from regular grocery stores are usually not as "pure" as you might believe due to over-processing, early picking, pesticide spraying, or being grown in nutrient-depleted soil. It is also important to chew each bite of food 25 times or until liquefied before swallowing to promote rapid digestion. Do not cook any food using a microwave as this will reduce the effectiveness of cleansing.
For best results, eat your dinner meal at least three hours before taking your Oxy-Powder® dosage at bedtime.

Dosage Instructions for the 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse:

Illustration of How Oxygen Colon Cleansers Work
MUST READ! Oxy-Powder® will cause watery, extremely soft and easily passed stools similar to diarrhea. The watery and soft stools are the result of the oxygen in Oxy-Powder turning the solid waste and bowel compaction into a liquid or semi liquid form.
This is a NORMAL reaction and a sign that you are cleansing properly. This is NOT diarrhea, which is usually the result of an infection or laxative and is associated with dehydration and electrolyte deficiencies. Oxy-Powder is completely safe and will not cause dehydration or an electrolyte deficiency.
For first time Oxy-Powder® users the exact number of capsules needed for each night of the 7-Day colon cleanse will vary depending on your weight, previous dietary habits, exercise patterns, colon health and stress levels.
Before starting your 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse (1-2 days in advance) you will need to calculate your dosage. Your dosage is the number of Oxy-Powder capsules you will take each night to achieve 3-5 bowel movements the following day.

How to Calculate Your Daily Cleansing Dosage:

Start by taking 4 capsules before going to bed on an empty stomach with an 8 oz. glass of distilled or purified water (you may also use the "Super Water" if you wish). If you do not achieve 3 to 5 bowel movements the following day, increaseyour dosage by 2 capsules each night until 3 to 5 bowel movements are achieved the following day. If you experience 6 or more bowel movements the following day, reduce your dosage by 2 capsules each night until you achieve the recommended 3 to 5 daily bowel movements.
You have now determined your 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse dosage for Oxy-Powder and are ready to start your cleanse.
NOTE: Oxy-Powder® works with your body's Hydrochloric Acid (stomach acid) levels. If your level of stomach acid is below normal, it may hinder the effectiveness of Oxy-Powder®. If you do not achieve 3-5 bowel movements within 3 days of increasing your dosage of Oxy-Powder®, we suggest squeezing ½ of an organic lemon wedge into 8 ounces of purified water and continuing to increase your dosage by 2 capsules nightly until you reach 3-5 bowel movements the next day. The acid in the lemon juice helps to activate the release of oxygen in Oxy-Powder®.

Starting the Oxygen Colon Cleanse (Days 1-7)

Take your pre-determined dosage every night before bed for seven consecutive days.
For You to Know: Temporary abdominal cramping may occur in individuals performing their first colon cleanse. Cramping is a sure sign your digestive tract is not functioning at optimal levels and you need to continue the 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse. This should subside by the 3rd day. Cramping may also result from one or more of the following:
  1. You have a large amount of built-up toxins in the bowel
  2. You ate too much during your dinner meal
  3. You ate your dinner meal within 3 hours of taking Oxy-Powder®
To help relieve temporary cramping I recommend you get up from bed, drink another 8 ounces of the "Super Water" and walk around for about 15 minutes to increase your blood flow and let gravity help move the Oxy-Powder and toxins down through the intestinal tract.
Click Here to Read Colon Cleansing FAQ's

Oxy-Powder Colon Cleanse — Maintenance Dosing

Continuing with a maintenance dose of Oxy-Powder® helps keep your intestinal tract clean and prevents toxins from being absorbed into your body on a regular basis. It also provides your body with a steady supply of beneficial oxygen.
Use the same dosage you used for your Oxygen Colon Cleanse 2-3 times per week or as needed. Your maintenance dosage is the number of Oxy-Powder capsules you will take each night to achieve 3- 5 watery, extremely soft and easy to pass bowel movements the following day.
This dosage can be taken indefinitely without it becoming habit forming or harmful to your body.

Tips for Enhancing the 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse:

What Should I do After I Finish the 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse?

  • After the 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse I suggest cleansing your liver and gallbladder, harmful organisms, chemicals and heavy metals, and your living environment. Click here to view my Whole Body and "Green Living" Cleanse Steps
  • I also recommend you purchase my 'Secret to Health' Kit which offers simple at-home solutions and detailed instructions on cleansing your body and living environment of harmful toxins, restoring the body's natural healing process and helping you achieve true health and happiness!

Cleansing Caution! - What is A Healing Crisis?

This term describes a common phenomenon occurring in a small amount of individuals who actually feel worse during or after cleansing than they did before starting. The accumulation of toxic material must be processed before being removed from the body. This process can include physical symptoms as toxins are metabolized or oxidized. The most common symptoms include: fatigue, headache, minor rash, lack of mental clarity, joint or muscle ache, irritability, difficulty sleeping (or sleeping too much), or mood swings. Some people experience multiple symptoms while most people have none. These symptoms are temporary and will subside within 1-10 days as the body naturally expels these toxins. If you experience any of these symptoms drink plenty of distilled, purified or "Super Water" and be patient with your body as it slowly eliminates the toxic buildup.    .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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